
Module Contents


















class asynctnt.iproto.protocol.Field[source]
name: str | None[source]

Field name

type: str | None[source]

Field type

collation: str | None[source]

Field collation value

is_nullable: bool | None[source]

If field may be null

is_autoincrement: bool | None[source]

Is Autoincrement

span: str | None[source]
class asynctnt.iproto.protocol.Metadata[source]
fields: List[Field][source]

List of fields

name_id_map: Dict[str, int][source]

Mapping name -> id

class asynctnt.iproto.protocol.SchemaIndex[source]
iid: int[source]

Index id

sid: int[source]

Space id

name: str | None[source]
index_type: str | None[source]
unique: bool | None[source]
metadata: Metadata | None[source]
class asynctnt.iproto.protocol.SchemaSpace[source]
sid: int[source]
owner: int[source]
name: str | None[source]
engine: str | None[source]
field_count: int[source]
flags: Any | None[source]
metadata: Metadata | None[source]
indexes: Dict[int | str, SchemaIndex][source]
class asynctnt.iproto.protocol.Schema[source]
id: int[source]
spaces: Dict[str | int, SchemaSpace][source]
class asynctnt.iproto.protocol.TarantoolTuple[source]
__repr__() str[source]

Return repr(self).

__index__(i: int) Any[source]
__len__() int[source]
__contains__(item: str) bool[source]
__getitem__(item: int | str | slice) Any[source]
keys() Iterator[str][source]
values() Iterator[Any][source]
items() Iterator[Tuple[str, Any]][source]
get(item: str) Any | None[source]
class asynctnt.iproto.protocol.IProtoErrorStackFrame[source]
error_type: str[source]
file: str[source]
line: int[source]
message: str[source]
err_no: int[source]
code: int[source]
fields: Dict[str, Any][source]
class asynctnt.iproto.protocol.IProtoError[source]
trace: List[IProtoErrorStackFrame][source]
class asynctnt.iproto.protocol.Response[source]
property sync: int[source]
property code: int[source]
property return_code: int[source]
property schema_id: int[source]
property stmt_id: int[source]
property rowcount: int[source]
errmsg: str | None[source]
error: IProtoError | None[source]
encoding: bytes[source]
autoincrement_ids: List[int] | None[source]
body: List[BodyItem] | None[source]
metadata: Metadata | None[source]
params: Metadata | None[source]
params_count: int[source]
done() bool[source]
__len__() int[source]
__getitem__(i) BodyItem[source]
class asynctnt.iproto.protocol.PushIterator(fut: asyncio.Future)[source]
property response: Response[source]
async __anext__()[source]
class asynctnt.iproto.protocol.Db[source]
property stream_id: int[source]
set_stream_id(stream_id: int)[source]
ping(timeout: float = -1)[source]
call16(func_name: str, args=None, timeout: float = -1, push_subscribe: bool = False)[source]
call(func_name: str, args=None, timeout: float = -1, push_subscribe: bool = False)[source]
eval(expression: str, args=None, timeout: float = -1, push_subscribe: bool = False)[source]
select(space, key=None, offset: int = 0, limit: int = 4294967295, index=0, iterator=0, timeout: float = -1, check_schema_change: bool = True)[source]
insert(space, t, replace: bool = False, timeout: float = -1)[source]
replace(space, t, timeout: float = -1)[source]
delete(space, key, index=0, timeout: float = -1)[source]
update(space, key, operations, index=0, timeout: float = -1)[source]
upsert(space, t, operations, timeout: float = -1)[source]
execute(query, args, parse_metadata: bool = True, timeout: float = -1)[source]
prepare(query, parse_metadata: bool = True, timeout: float = -1)[source]
begin(isolation: int, tx_timeout: float, timeout: float = -1)[source]
commit(timeout: float = -1)[source]
rollback(timeout: float = -1)[source]
class asynctnt.iproto.protocol.Protocol[source]
property schema_id: int[source]
property schema: Schema[source]
property features: IProtoFeatures[source]
create_db(gen_stream_id: bool = False) Db[source]
get_common_db() Db[source]
refetch_schema() asyncio.Future[source]
is_connected() bool[source]
is_fully_connected() bool[source]
get_version() tuple[source]
class asynctnt.iproto.protocol.MPInterval(year: int = 0, month: int = 0, week: int = 0, day: int = 0, hour: int = 0, min: int = 0, sec: int = 0, nsec: int = 0, adjust: Adjust = Adjust.NONE)[source]
year: int[source]
month: int[source]
week: int[source]
day: int[source]
hour: int[source]
min: int[source]
sec: int[source]
nsec: int[source]
adjust: Adjust[source]
__eq__(other) bool[source]

Return self==value.

class asynctnt.iproto.protocol.IProtoFeatures[source]
streams: bool[source]
transactions: bool[source]
error_extension: bool[source]
watchers: bool[source]
pagination: bool[source]
space_and_index_names: bool[source]
watch_once: bool[source]
dml_tuple_extension: bool[source]
call_ret_tuple_extension: bool[source]
call_arg_tuple_extension: bool[source]